Random Selections of Poetry

No, these aren't randomly created poems (that is another page). This is a random grab from a selection of poems, mostly by myself, but with some inclusions from other folks: friends who write; friends who used to write; writers who are obscure-but-meaningful-to-me; famous writers. One advantage of this format is that, when there are variations of a poem that I haven't settled upon, I can include them all and let people give me feedback as to what they think.

A dark patch of pain
Flapping bravely
Against a wall -
Of another trying
To lift broken wing
In a showing ring of stone.

Why in the smallest
       over which
We have no power
Do the largest

                             -- (92/93, printed in _Pathways_)

Reload this page for another poem, or hang out for an hour.

From here, you could zip over to my main gweep page.